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I won't be in Sydney anytime soon so I will try Booktopia.


Where the Bodies are Buried by Chris(topher) Brookmyre who has allegedly gone to a straight crime fiction book.  So far I'm really enjoying it.

Just started THE FALL, book II in THE STRAIN TRILOGY, immediately after reading THE STRAIN (book I), written by Guillermo del Toro & Chuck Hogan. Not a crime fiction series per say (at all?) but a lot fun. I'm really enjoying it, and the change of pace from my usual reading

David DeLee

Fatal Destiny - a Grace deHaviland Novel

SUN AND SHADOW, by Aki Edwardson---  A good one, a little quirky.  There are multiple strands which are not

apparently connected, with shifting points of view.  Nothing much happens; the first crime doesn't occur until page 113, when the police detective has his pocket picked.  Reader is sucked into the pace of the book, and then the major crime occurs.  I had read an earlier one of Edwardson's; this one's better.


THE COMPLAINTS, by Ian Rankin.  Usual quality.


Started Graham Hurley's series about a police detective in Portsmouth, UK.  So far, so good.

Just finished Ake Edwardson's THE SHADOW WOMAN.  I thought it started well, but towards the end it started dragging.  It felt as though the author was creating artificial length.  I also wasn't crazy about the strange coincidences involving the current crime and a cold case that happened to the same character's some twenty years before.  The police process suggested that Sweden has no lack of funds.
Barbara Nadel  A NOBLE KILLING.  As it turns out, the title is misleading.  These killings are called "honor" killings and contracted for by parents to remove their daughters who have been found to have misbehaved. The setting is Istanbul, and the characters involved are ultra-conservative Muslims who have moved into the city.  It's an upsetting book, and I did feel somewhat manipulated.  The multiple killings (some horrific) also seemed beyond what we know has happened elsewhere and shocked the world.  
Barry Maitland, THE VERGE PRACTICE.  This one was pretty forgettable.  A high-society setting aiming at bestseller status.

Just finished Nelson DeMille's The Gate House, his usual rollicking read, wisecracking humor mixed with tense situations, an old murder, mafios galore ... sags a bit in the middle (of the 900 pages) but the ending was satisfying in a strange sort of way. Is that a recommendation?  I dunno. I you like NDeM you'll love the book.


Meanwhile, I saw The Debt yesterday, love Helen Mirren, interesting movie, highly recommended!

I just finished my first Dennis Lehane book: Darkness Take My Hand. Quite enjoyable and felt like you were small town problems in a big city.


Review here:

Lehane gets better as he goes along. Mystic River (a stand alone, not the series) is my favorite. Even if you saw the movie, the book is worth a read. Also, I recently finished The Given Day, an historical about the Boston Police strike in 1919 ... but wait, it also features Babe Ruth ... when he played for the Red Sox. How can you resist?
Just finished the last of Olen Steinhauer's Eastern European series.  Quite good.
Wow, I keep forgetting to get more of his books. I read one and just loved it. Have you read The Tourist? Is the series you refer to?  I haven't read it yet, but now I'm determined to get it.


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