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Sorry about posting my Harlan Coben and Olen Steinhauer comments on the other thread.

I'm reading "Bubba's Ghost" by Marja McGraw. Another wonderful Sandi Webster mystery.

I'm catching up on a bunch of short stories as I bid my time waiting for the January release of Robert Crais' latest, SUSPECT.

Just finished a Kindle Short by Nelson DeMille called THE BOOKCASE. A fun little short story. Last night, started a collection of four short stories by author Christine Kling SEA BITCH.

It's January, it's scorching outside. So I read the new Cliff Hardy novel - THE DUNBAR CASE over New Year, and now I'm struggling through YOUNG PHILBY by Robert Littell which isn't really working for me. Next up I'm looking for something nice and dark and twisty.

I'm reading Merry Christmas Alex Cross by James Patterson. Not sure so much about the story, but I like the short chapters.

I've just started the audio version of Michael Robotham's THE WRECKAGE.  I've read and praised other books by Robotham before, but I must say once again (and before I'm really past the beginning), his writing is superb, far, far above the common run of crime novels and a total pleasure for a fellow writer to read.  The man's an inspiration.

(Oh, and the reader for the book is also very good).

Began reading ICE COLD by Tess Gerritsen, a Rizzoli & Isles book. I'm a big fan, read them all in order up to this one. So far it hasn't disappointed.

The Girl on the Stairs by Louise Welsh, then I might do a bit of a Kerry Greenwood / Phryne Fisher catchup, although the latest book from Adrian McKinty, I Hear the Sirens i the Street has arrived and that's very tempting.

Reading Bear Is Broken, by Lachlan Smith, a thriller due out in February. 70% through and it's excellent.

I'm reading Tom Cain's The Accident Man. Exciting so far and an interesting use of conspiracy theories so that they would actually be plausible.

Just started reading Cold Granite by Stuart MacBride. I was hooked by end page 1.

Just started reading Cold Granite by Stuart MacBride. I was hooked by end page 1.


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