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Just started Norah Lofts's THE OLD PRIORY from 1981. Quite interesting so far. (I'm reading this only because I'm one of the writers in a reference book on historical writers, and I got Lofts.)
I just finished The Cold Dish by Craig Johnson, the first of the Walt Longmire cowboy noir series set in present day Wyoming. Man, was it good, great characterization, wonderful setting, solid plot, and Longmire has this wonderful internal dialogue that continues through the novel about all things great and small in his life. I'm really looking forward to the rest of the series.
I read Kindness Goes Unpunished and Another Man's Moccasions but I missed this one. Will have to check it out.
I caught a couple of the Nora Roberts movies currently on Lifetime, so I'm reading her romantic suspense that I had in the tbr's. Finished CAROLINA MOON and now well into TRIBUTE. I find them rich and emotionally involving (but not her straight romances).
I'm reading our own Jon Loomis' 'High Season' and loving it, despite my jealousy.

Maybe it's a topic for another thread, but I am finding myself in this depressed state upon reading other writers more often than I like. I see at least one person in this thread expressing similar sentiments, and I'm curious -- how do you keep going when the sheer talent of your peers makes you think 'What's the point? I'll never be that good.'
I guess that is why I am a reader rather than an author. I taught English because I loved imparting knowledge. I have written bits and pieces during my career(s), but I have never actually written for money. At 73, I have had a lifetime of experiences (not over yet) and now believe that I could write a respectable nonfiction piece.

That said, never sell yourself short. Just keep putting pen to paper (fingers to keyboard?).
Thanks, Minerva. As I said in your "envy" thread, nothing to be jealous of. Took me freaking forever to write that book!
Jon -- It was worth the seven years! Just my humble opinion, of course... MK
Jon I loved your freaking forever remark:...It seems with a lot of new author's the first one's the worst one as far as completing...freaking awful isn't it? I'm on yet another round of "final draft" with mine.
I was a reader long before I was writer. There literally aren't enough good books out there to support my habit. Maybe this is ego or vanity, but in that ton of books was a lot of crap. I know that at least some of the time I'm better than that crap, some of which were and are bestsellers. That's enough to keep me going.
Doing some local book catching up - so I've just finished Blood Moon by Garry Disher - the 5th in his Hal Challis / Ellen Destry series and it was fantastic.

I'm currently reading The Iron Heart by Marshall Browne which is the second Franz Schmidt based book of his. This is set in 1939 Nazi Germany - Schmidt is placed as an auditor in the Reichsbank by a high-ranking member of the Nazi Party with a different agenda to the Fuehrer.
I have only read one of I. J. Parker's books and that is The Hell Screen and I loved it. I do have a couple of her books ordered.


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