Word around town is that Thrillerfest has begun. I'm totally jealous of all of you that are over there, so I'm going to leave this up on the front page for the duration, with the hope of living vicariously through all of you that are over in NYC right now.

So, if you're at Thrillerfest and you're taking a quick break to check in at Crimespace, tell us all what's happening.

And tell us who's drinking the most.

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The Cincinatti Reds are staying at the same hotel. I've seen Ken Griffey, Jr. twice.
So that's who they were.
The opening reception was pretty fun. Lots of people, easy access to the bar, good food. T-Fest is shaping up to be the Bouchercon of this year. More later . . .
She was fine, totally in her element.
All's great! I'm told 600 people registered, but the atmosphere feels more intimate than that - everywhere you turn, there's a best-selling author or an old friend to talk to (not that the two are necessarily mutually exclusive!) I didn't win one of the two Sony e-readers that were given away, but other than that, I'm having a wonderful time. I've met a few people now in real life that I knew first from Crimespace - Meredith Anthony, Dave White, Tim Maleeney, Steven Torres - great folks, all, and of course there's lots more members here - won't try to name them all because I'm bound to forget someone.

Internet interaction is nice, but nothing can compare to hanging out with writers live and in person. Wish more of you could have been here!
Ooh, a Sony e-Reader. I want one of those!

Thanks for sharing, Karen. Maybe if I drink a beer while I re-read this I'll feel like I'm there.
Hi Karen,
You were terrific on the Internet panel this morning. Thanks. Re boring comment, It's got to be hard for organizers and panelists to try to be relevant to everyone in the room when someone who's as savvy as Joe Konrath is sitting next to another guy who's asking what mySpace is. Sleuthfest, held in Miami last spring, divided their panels into beginners, intermediate, and advanced which probably helped the participants and audience. And i got a lot more out of that show. That said, I had fun, and it was very cool to meet Lee Child and Barry Eisler...and Steve, and Alafair..and Sarah..who I forgot was a C-spacer. And always nice to see Harley Jane Kozak, although I've never said one word to her - she's so beautiful, and she has the best voice...
Hey, Rosemary - THANKS so much for the kind words! Wish we could have met. Next time, for sure!
Whirlwind adventures. The bar is a decent size, so lotsa room to mingle. The panels have been fun and the hallways between panels even more fun. And the food court next door at Grand Central is VERY reliable if you only have a minute to eat and don't own a mint.
I'm having that beer now. Let's see if I can imagine the room.
I met Bill Cameron and Rosemary Harris. 'Nuff said. No wait, I also met Karen Dionne and Dave White and Jonathan Santlofer and JT Ellison and Sarah Weinman and Alafair Burke and a slew of others. Best Panel: You Did What To My Baby? about getting your book into Hollywood hands - a lot of funny stories. Joseph Finder's was inspiring - he got paid a million and a half for his third book (which didn't have a publisher) and the producers forgot to make the movie...
I met Steven Torres! And, yeah, the movie panel was a hoot.


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