This information may be interesting. It comes from "Publishers Lunch":
"On the hot-button topic of piracy, Verso's survey found that "over 28 percent of e-reader owners have used unregulated file-sharing services, such as RapidShare, Megaupload and Hot File to download at least one e-book within the last twelve months, and 6 percent have used such services to download ten or more titles during this interval. (Sixty-four percent did not download any ebooks from such services.)
Their survey also indicates that "questionable downloading, while affecting all age and gender brackets, is concentrated disproportionately among younger male readers. Among males aged 18-34, over 45 percent report engaging in such downloading activity within the past twelve months. Nearly 13 percent have downloaded ten or more e-books from file-sharing services, more than twice the level of the survey population as a whole." McKeown will have much more data and analysis to share in his DBW presentation."