Hi All,

Just wanted to share that The Season of Sin was reviewed and featured in USA Today as a recommended read! I'm of course, happy! LOL!

Thanks for the support!


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Congrats, Stacy! Hope it bumps the sales numbers for you.

That's absolutely great, Stacy!  Congrats.

That fantastic, Stacy! Congratulations! I hope this kick starts even more opportunities for you.

Congrats, Stacy. That's a fantastic. Good luck with the book.

Well done! Just in time for Christmas! Best of luck!



Great news! Congratulations. You've worked hard, and this is well earned.


Wow! Congratulations!!! That's absolutely terrific!

Congratulations, Stacy. Wishing you big sales and much success in what ever order it comes.

amazing. congratulations. 

Absolutely terrific! Congratulations, Stacy!


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