If anyone on CrimeSpace picks up the new Nook e-ink Touch (not the first-gen or the color), please post your review here. I'm deathly curious about these things:
• Is the high clarity pearl e-ink negated by the layer of touch screen technology over the top? In other words, does the touch screen make the text fuzzy?
• Do you always have to use the touch screen or are there buttons to turn pages?
• If you've used the other Nooks, is it a step up or down?
• Why did Barnes & Noble introduce this at $139 when its first-gen Nook is $149? That just doesn't seem right.
Full disclosure, I'm a Nook fan myself. I got the first-gen one with the LCD touchscreen last week. Yep, right before the new one came out. But I think I would've gone with the first-gen one anyway.