

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
Thriller writer
I Am A:
Books And Authors I Like:
Anything from gritty to pure escapist fiction, if it's well written, I'll read it...

Comment Wall:

  • Harry Hunsicker

    Welcome to the jungle.
  • David J. Montgomery

    I had a nice pair of lizard-skin Tony Lamas, but I'll be damned if I know what happened to them. I think I lost 'em in the move. Those were nice boots. I've still got my black Justins, but nobody wears boots 'round here. Kinda odd, since it's allegedly Virginia.

    How goes the publishing hunt?
  • Darwyn Jones

    The next few weeks huh? I'll have a drink, wishing you the best. And because it is so sincere, I'll have another drink. And perhaps a shot.