Suzi Hands-Black

Profile Information:

Sunshine Coast, Queensland Australia
About Me:
I am fifty-ish, twice married, twice divorced. Mother of two wonderful adult children. Daughter 30 years old and son, 22 who is married to a Chinese girl. Have an empty nest now which I am enjoying immensely. I have been interested in all aspects of crime for over 20 years. Non-fiction crime books and websites are my passion. If I had my 'time' over again I would of loved to be involved in solving crime, especially murders of all kinds.
Books And Authors I Like:
Corey Mitchell, Clifford L. Linedecker, Carlton Smith, Wensley Clarkson, Ann Rule, Gregg Olsen, John Douglas, Jerry Bledsoe (all writers of True Crime/non-fiction).
Judith Tarr, Conn Iggulden (Writers of Historical Fiction).
Elizabeth A Lynn (writer of Fantasy fiction).
Movies And TV Shows I Like:
TV Shows: Anything crime related! Sci-Fi and Horror.
Movies: Anything pure escapism related, like Pirates of the Caribbean and Ice Age. Horror, thrillers, suspense movies grab me the most.

Comment Wall:

  • Sheila Connolly

    I was lucky enough to visit Australia a couple of years ago, and would go back in a moment. But books are expensive there! And I don't recognize many of the names of your favorite authors--is there much exchange?

  • Suzi Hands-Black

    Hi Sheila, I love being an Australian and living in Australia! Best place on earth, in my opinion. I have however never been over seas. Not sure of what you mean by 'exchange'. All the authors I have listed are from the US as far as I know. Books are expensive here also. I get my 'fix' from the local public Library. There are a lot of 2nd hand book stores that exchange books also. It is winter her at the moment but living where I do in south east Queensland, I am still in my summer clothers. Bye for now and happy reading, Suzi
  • Robin Caroll

    I've always wanted to visit Australia....looks beautiful.

    My hubby loves all the true crime shows as well, and makes me watch. I call it "research"! LOL
  • Dave Zeltserman

    This little guy's name is Yappy. Sweetest temperment of any dog I've ever come across. Unfortnately because of allergies we had to findhim a new home.
  • Suzi Hands-Black

    What a shame I didn't live nearby as I would have loved him! It would break my heart to give up a pet for allergies. Cheers Suzi
  • Jason Starr

    Hi Suzi,
    Thanks so much!
    Yes, my books are available in Australia from Orion Books. I was over last year for the Melbourne Writers festival, and to promote LIGHTS OUT...I think the mass market of LIGHTS OUT should be out soon....and my new novel THE FOLLOWER as well
    Great meeting you!
  • Evelyn David

    Hi Suzi,
    Thanks for stopping by.
    The only writer I recognized on your list was Ann Rule - and she is phenomenal at capturing the essence of a crime story. I haven't read many nonfiction crime stories, but I might check out some of your recommendations.