
70, Female

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I'm a beautiful, thin 20 something chick trapped in an old, fat body!! My husband of 27 years & I live in the semi country with 2 horses, 6 dogs(all labradors,4 black, 2 chocolate) 7 cats(actually, 2 of them are kittens), various chickens, ducks, cockatiels, an African Grey parrot(who's not too sure if she is a dog, cat, bird or a person!),aquariums with African Cichlids & some freshwater sharks & a couple hives of bees!! Hopefully I will add more hives this spring! Did I forget anyone?? Oh yeah, I think we have some pigeons flying around out there!
I have 7 children of which I only had to give birth to the oldest!!! 2 darlin grandsons...Strange things tend to happen to me, been told more than once that I was weird..whatever THAT means!!LOL!!!!! We get a lot of varmints(skunks,snakes!) that I can't kill so I catch the snakes, take them off somewhere(to the local baptists who are turning my little area into a city!)& I have been known to beat skunks senseless & chunk em over the fence!! I am probably one of the most happily married women there is...when I'm not mad at him for something!! My poor husband is almost a Saint..I've put him thru a LOT the last few years with several surgeries & stuff!! & now with the BIG Pause(MENOPAUSE) lurking around I'm wonderful to live with!!!LOL!!!
We are BIG into NFL ( Go Dallas Cowboys!!!) & the NHL (Go Dallas Stars!!) & Arena Football(Go Dallas Desperadoes!!); If I could only win the lottery I would be REALLY, REALLY, REALLY, REALLY happy!!!
I Am A:
Books And Authors I Like:
Oh gosh...LOTS...The Kellerman's(Jonathan & Faye), Michael Connelly, John Connelly, Susan Witting Albert, Lisa Jackson, Lisa Scottoline, Janet Evanovitch, Linda Ladd,Rick Riordan, J.D. Robb,Virginia Lanier(Jo Beth Sidden is one of my heros!), Jan Burke, Catherine Coulter's FBI series,Dan Brown( altho I thought Angels and Demons was better than The DaVinci Code!),Iris Johannsen,Patricia Cornwell, John Sanford, David & Leigh Eddings,Michael Crichton, Anne McCaffrey, Marion Zimmer Bradley(what's gonna happen to Darkover now!?), Mercedes Lackey, Stephen King, Dean Koontz....more than I can remember!!
Movies And TV Shows I Like:
Watch a lot of movies...some favs are: Silverado, Quigley Down Under, The Princess Bride, Galaxy Quest, The Lord Of The Rings trilogy, the 1st 3 Star Wars with Luke, Han & the Princess, The Gods Must Be Crazy, Almost any western with Clint Eastwood,Tom Selleck, Sam Elliott! the first 2 Alien movies(Ripley is also one of my heroes!), the 13th Warrior...I could go on & on & on...
TV: Burn Notice, Monk, Psyche, Eureka, The Closer, All My Children, Dr. Who(The new ones!!), the Sci-fi channel & of course The Dallas Cowboys & The Dallas Stars!!!!

Comment Wall:

  • Linda Ladd

    Hi Jonnie!

    So glad that we meet again!! You're a great friend everywhere I find you. How are your kittens? Welcome and I'm happy you're here!

  • Newt Love

    Readers Rule!
    Without readers, authors would be talking to walls.
    (I was born in Grand Prairie, next to the holy ground of Arlington...)
  • Jonnie

    LOL!! That's right..if nobody read there wouldn't be a need for ya'll writers!!! I actually lived in Grand Prairie for a year or so in 1979 or threabouts!! My sister had an out of state boyfriend & the first time he called after we moved there he wanted to know if it was!!(a Grand prairie!!), but alas no, all the cotton fields were all plowed under & it's a big city now!!!
  • Pari Noskin Taichert

    We've got a yellow lab hwo is absolutely, wonderfully in insane.

    Aren't hot flashes the pits?