Hailey Lind

61, Female


United States

Profile Information:

Oakland, CA
About Me:
I'm actually a sister writing team: Carolyn is associate professor of American History at Old Dominion University in Norfolk, VA, and Julie is an artist/faux-finisher/decorative painter in Oakalnd, CA (Julie's the one who's really on Crimespace!) Together we are the Agatha-nominated Hailey Lind, and write the Art Lover's Mystery Series: Feint of Art (2006); Shooting Gallery (2006); and Brush with Death (2007). The series features Annie Kincaid, an ex-forger trying to make a living as a legitimate artist in San Francisco.
I Am A:
Reader, Writer
Books And Authors I Like:
Elizabeth Peters, Nick Hornby, Richard Russo, Jane Austen, Barbara Kingsolver, Susan Isaacs, Janet Evanovich, Sue Grafton, Nancy Martin, Raymond Chandler, Mario Acevedo, Iian Pears, David Sedaris, Bill Bryson, Margaret Dumas, Sherman Alexie, Ann Lamott, Walter Mosley, Tony Hillerman
Movies And TV Shows I Like:
Little Miss Sunshine, Sideways, Bottle Rocket, The Big Easy, Educating Rita, Home for the Holidays, anything historical with great costumes and sets. I'm one of those crazy folks who won't pay for cable, so the only TV shows I know are the ones on DVD: Sopranos, 6 Feet Under, Weeds, Carnivale, Rome, Oz, The Wire

Comment Wall:

  • Karen J. Laubenstein

    Hi there, I was just illustrating your short blurb on Dorothy L that I copied into the Alaska to the Schools profile -- and linked to your wonderful blog about Hooper Bay and all those great photos! Enjoyed it very much and got reading and almost didn't finish what I started doing! So very glad you came to Bouchercon and sorry I didn't get time to talk with you - but again, so enjoyed your stories of Authors to the Schools. I put it on http://aksinc.ning.com, the new website for Alaska Sisters in Crime and Authors to the Schools.
  • Karen J. Laubenstein

    P.S. WELCOME to Crimespace, too! (forgot that one-smile).
  • Karen J. Laubenstein

    Hi back... and agree about photos not really capturing Alaska like you remember it. Once you get used to Crimespace you can try out Alaska Sisters in Crime (same type of network, just Alaska-based). Smiling. To add friends, you click on the little link below the person's photo that accompanies everything you do here. With over 1,000 members, you'll see plenty you can add. It's a great place here, and I've learned a lot and had help with my WIP, THE MOOSE MURDERS. Did you know I published archaeology books for schools for all age levels, on 13 different State's prehistory and archaeology (including Alaska's?). Had lots of anthropology myself, but now trying just to be a normal run-of-the-mill mystery writer.
  • Peg Herring

    As long as I'm in your top ten!
  • LC Fraser

    Glad to see you made it here.
  • LC Fraser

    Breathing? I am supposed to do that? Kids pretty much take care of themselves now - brats all grew up on me and I don't even need a sitter these days.

    Crimespace is fun but my real time waster is a virtual pub called The Moldy Cockroach, It is an off-topic list and can really keep me not breathing!
  • Kim Howell

    Thanks for accepting my invitation Hailey. It's good to see other sisters that share a coast to coast relationship too. I'm only one of five daughters my parents have, but we're also spread across the states from east to west, and in between. I spent most of my years over in Va Beach, but was born out in Ca., so I've been to a lot of places over the years too. :-)
  • Todd Robinson

    I loved Dana King's post about how as a society, we're fine with serial killers performing horrible, gruesome acts of violence, but get our collective panties in a bunch about expletives.

    You know what I say?

    The HECK with them...
  • Lawrence Kelter

    I hope you'll take a peek at my work. I think Chalice's a blast, and hope you will too. Sorry for the late reply; been traveling for business. Looking forward to lots of great chatter.
  • Karen J. Laubenstein

    Hi there! It's been two months and I've been remiss in keeping up with what's happening with you! I wanted to share that we recently had some people join Alaska Sisters in Crime who said they weren't mystery readers, really, until they "discovered" your book at Bouchercon and now they've become mystery fans! So I thank you! Life has been busy. I'm moderating the Alaska Sisters in Crime site, and trying to get my WIP going, and reviewing books for a new publishing house, and was just elected President for AKSinC, and am taking a graduate-level course next semester at the University of Alaska-Anchorage, and trying to keep up with my 7 yr old and husband, and working full time as the state writer-editor for a federal agency in town. Yikes! Life has been dizzy! And add to it, still hearing everything new with these bionic ears (like Christmas carols, oh wow, and the Christmas Pops!)... it's just ... well, I'm speechless. (Sorta, as you can see-ha). So how is life treating you, and still so very, very glad you made it up here! I remember our e-mails before you got to visit for Bouchercon, and I bet your sister wishes she had been able to come, too! All the best for the holidays.
  • Kelli Stanley

    Thanks, Hailey, and the best of everything to you and yours, too! :)

    Have a wonderful--art-ful--holiday! ;)
