Barri L. Bumgarner


Columbia, MO

United States

Profile Information:

Columbia, MO
About Me:
Missouri native, Barri L. Bumgarner, is an award-winning author and speaker. In addition to publishing more than 50 articles and 30 poems, her fourth novel, Playing the Line is set to release soon. Playing the Line is the much-anticipated prequel to her first novel, 8 Days. Jim Bohannon, nationwide radio host for Westwood One Radio, regarding her novel Slipping, said, “This serial killer drama makes for a taut read from a rising star of the thriller. Remember the name: Barri Bumgarner.” Police officer consultant Jessie Pitman wrote, “Bumgarner has captured the essence of what it’s like being a female cop. I can’t vouch for the killer, but she sure made me believe!”

Barri’s first young adult novel, Dregs, took second place for the 2008 Walter Williams Major Work Award. Dregs tackles the tough issues of bullies, steroids, and what it takes to push a teenager to bring a gun to school. The book has already received attention from other notable award committees, including the American Library Association and the Gateway Readers Award.

Barri’s current project is her first true crime work, Shades of Gray: The Steven Rios Story, the headline-grabbing tale of a police officer convicted of killing his lover. Barri has obtained exclusive interviews with officer Rios and hopes to finish the work in 2009, assuming there isn't another retrial.

Visit Barri online at her website or at MySpace.
I Am A:
Books And Authors I Like:
Harlan Coben, Dean Koontz, James Patterson, Richard North Patterson, Philip Margolin, Thomas Harris, Greg Isles, and Tami Hoag, Peter Straub, Stephen King, Truman Capote, Barbara Kingsolver, Ayn Rand, JK Rowling, Jodi Picoult, Sue Monk Kidd, Jane Smiley, Billie Letts, Pat Conroy, Prince of Tides, Beach Music, In Cold Blood, Silence of the Lambs, Gone But Not Forgotten, Along Came a Spider, the Odd Thomas series, The Stand, Grapes of Wrath, Rebecca, Atlas Shrugged, We Were the Mulvaney's, Secret Life of Bees
Movies And TV Shows I Like:
Stranger Than Fiction, Atonement, No Country For Old Men, Crash, Capote, Juno, Memento, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Star Wars (5 of the 6), Independence Day, (and all those great apocalyptic thrillers…), Lethal Weapon and Die Hard series (favorites!!), Pursuit of Happyness, Gone With the Wind, Psycho, The Shining, Silence of the Lambs, Places in the Heart, On Golden Pond, Dead Poet's Society

Comment Wall:

  • Pepper Smith

    Hey Barri, long time no see. Welcome to Crimespace!
  • Pepper Smith

    Not too bad. Are you presenting at the Muse Online Conference this year? Dave Webb and I are doing a suspense workshop.