Oak Tree Press


Hanford, CA

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
Publisher of Oak Tree Press (see our blog at http://otpblog.blogspot.com) Dark Oak Mysteries, Timeless Love and other genres, plus non fiction. Winter-time workaholic, summer time you'll find me in my garden...it's fabulous! Board of Directors: the Feline Family: Blinkie, Lovey and Frida Kahlo Kat.
I Am A:
Reader, Writer, Publisher, Editor
Books And Authors I Like:
My favorite authors are OTP authors, but there are some runnersup: Hemingway, Robert B. Parker, Pat Conroy, Sara Davidson, and more, and more!
Movies And TV Shows I Like:
News Junkie, MSNBC realtime and TIVO, guilty pleasure: American Idol. For movies, I loved Under the Tuscan Sun, The American President, all the politcal intrigue ones.

Comment Wall:

  • B.R.Stateham

    Great! And I just might send you something of mine so you can honor me with a rejection slip! (grinning mischieviously)
  • Bob

    Welcome aboard. I just came back from your website. Your FAQ reveals a lot about your organization. A publisher is always nice to have on board to correct misconceptions about industry issues. The current climate is probably getting a few more agents with quality authors coming your way. I hope you can land a good sized fish from the growing pool of hungry authors and their newest efforts.
