Tanis Mallow


Caledon, Ontario


Profile Information:

About Me:
T. S. Mallow is currently snowed under in the Great White North, (update April 8th: snow's almost gone!) actively seeking a talented agent for her thriller, Butterflies in a Hurricane. She spends hours a day finding creative outlets for her dark, twisted imagination, usually involving endless cups of green tea and her laptop. She abhors serif fonts (especially Times Roman) and wishes that more agents and editors would accept Tahoma.
I Am A:
Reader, Writer
Books And Authors I Like:
John Connolly,Karin Slaughter, Margaret Atwood, Michael Connelly, George Orwell, Kurt Vonnegut,Shakespeare (duh), John Sandford, Thomas Harris, Ted Dekker, Chuck Palahnuik
Movies And TV Shows I Like:
Movies: Kiss, Kiss, Bang, Bang; just about anything by Q.T.; Matrix; The Sting, Fargo, Fisher King, Momento, The Usual Suspects, American Beauty

TV: Dexter, HIMYM, True Blood, Carnivale, Family Guy, South Park, The Dailey Show, Monty Python,

Comment Wall:

  • B.R.Stateham

    Greetings, Tanis.  Wonderful to meet a rebel like yourself (abhor Times Roman or NTR--my god!!)   ;-)
  • B.R.Stateham

    Thank you, Tanis.  I'm glad you enjoy the Smitty stories.  More are coming.


  • Reece Hirsch

    Thanks, Tanis.  I agree with you that Tahoma is far better than Times Roman, but what are you gonna do?
  • Douglas Danielson

    Hi, Tanis.

    My protagonist in SHORE LOSER, Jake Mortensen, is comfortable with both power and sail, and so am I. Although I probably deliver more sailboats in a year, it is just great to be out on the water. Check out the newsletter portion of my website. http://www.doug-danielson.com/

  • geoffrey thorne

    I am. ANd I thank you.

  • Stuart Edmond

    Thanks for the welcome Tanis.  In your pic, it looks like you're having a blast.  Can't wait to get my own yatch and drift along with the wind.  Just gotta sell a few more books!

  • Steven Gomez

    Hi Tanis,

    Thanks for the welcome! I discovered that movie well after it came out, but I just can't see it enough!
  • Kristina Stanley

    Thanks for the welcome message.

  • Terrie Meerschaert

    Thanks for the welcome, Tanis!

  • Jonathan Francesco

    Thanks for the welcome! :)

  • Steven Gomez

    Thanks for adding me as a friend! ;)
  • Jonathan Francesco

    Now thanks for the friend add! :)

  • Rob Brunet

    Thx Tanis! I know it's the real you 'cause there's that terrifc sailing pic again. (Even better, now I have the link to your story on Spinetingler.)

  • Stewart Spaull

    Thank you! It's great to be here. 

  • Glenn Langohr

    Thanks for the welcome! Is there anything you would recommend for me to do on this site as an author?

  • Mary Kouwenhoven

    Thanks for the compliment!

  • Ku Okamoto


  • ML Hamilton

    Thank you, Tanis.

  • Sandra Levy Ceren

    thank you

  • Jackson Burnett

    Thank you, Tanis.  I look forward to reading some of your writing.

  • Brian Knight

    Thanks for the welcome, Tanis!
