Richard C. Katz


Scottsdale, AZ

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I published my first crime novel in November 2019, called “Every Dog.” I posted short stories online and read short stories on podcasts, including Seth Harwood’s CrimeWav. I’ve written about a dozen screenplays (never produced although got close with two) and I am a long time fan of film noir and classics and contemporary writers. I wrote and published a textbook, about 40 chapters in textbooks, and over 60 articles in professional journals.
I Am A:
Reader, Writer
Books And Authors I Like:
The Long Goodbye is my favorite book. I enjoy anything by the classic writers (Chandler, Hammett, Cain, Thompson) and enjoyed Jack Wakes Up, Young Julius, Brooklyn Noir (anthology), Motherless Brooklyn, The Last Good Kiss, any story with Easy Rawlings in it, most by Ellroy and everything by Crais and Leonard (even his Westerns).
Movies And TV Shows I Like:
MOVIES: All the classic noir films, especially Double Indemnity, The Asphalt Jungle, Gun Crazy, The Killers, His Kind of Woman, Out of the Past, Lady in the Lake, Theives' Highway; the lesser know gems like Fallen Angel, Brute Force, Nightmare Alley, Criss Cross; and contemporary neo-noir like Chinatown, Thief, Manhunter, Heat and To Live and Die in LA, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang (Shaun Black wr/dir). TV: Law & Order and L&O:CI (especially episodes written by Marlane Meyer), Dexter, Wise Guy (w/a young Jonathan Banks), Crime Story, Breakng Bad, Better Call Saul, House of Cards, The Americans. I like procedural crime stories (like L&O) but am fascinated by crime stories that reveal evolving deep character (like Thief and BB).

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  • Richard C. Katz

    My second crime fiction short story was just posted on A Twist of Noir! Please read "Every Dog" and leave a comment. I appreciate any suggestions or feedback from you all. Thanks!

    The URL to the story is:
  • Eve Paludan

    Those day jobs keep interrupting our writing!
  • karen slaughter

    do u have a website to check out, get in touch at facebook or email at