Lorie Ham


Reedley, CA

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I have been singing gospel music and writing since I was a child. My first song and poem were published when I was 13 and I have gone on to publish many articles, short stories and poems throughout the years as well as write for a her newspaper. I continue to sing and 4 of my 5 mystery novels feature gospel singer Alexandra Walters. My new project is an animal rescue mystery, another area where I have a lot of experience. Soon I will be the publisher of a new online magazine called Kings River Life.
I Am A:
Reader, Writer, Publisher, Editor, Critic
Books And Authors I Like:
Sherlock Holmes, Dresden Files, Harry Potter, Agatha Christie, Carolyn Hart, and more.
Movies And TV Shows I Like:
Buffy, Angel, Firefly, Charmed, Castle, Murder She Wrote, etc.

Comment Wall:

  • Patricia Harrington

    Hey, Lorie

    Delighted to learn about you re: Sunny Frazier's post. You may remember that we go back a looooong way, with our old publisher. Will look you up and check out your website. Please stay in touch. Pat
  • Beth Groundwater

    Hi Lorie,
    Thanks for befriending me here, too!