Lisa Isbell

Alabaster, AL

United States

Profile Information:

Akron, OH
About Me:
Just an avid reader of crime and mystery novels who stumbled upon this site by accident one day.

Beyond that summary description, I recently left the advertising sales world and am pursuing a number of Internet based projects. I am an Inbound Marketing professional and promote those services with a blog and various online efforts. I have an Internet store ( and I publish several blogs related to my hobbies. Most of my projects are linked in the right margin of my personal blog here on my profile and are definitely works in progress. Fresh out of full time employment in a traditional setting, I have a lot of work to do in completing my framework for my online projects. It will take me a few months to round them all out.

My hobbies (and there are a lot of them) include reading, horseback riding, genealogy, exploring historical places, history, Internet marketing, a wide variety of crafts and I explore a number of other interests on a fleeting basis. I'm fond of saying I have more hobbies than time and blogging has become part of that - if I can't explore it myself, I'll just write about it somewhere.
I Am A:
Books And Authors I Like:
lilian jackson braun
ed mcbain
sue grafton
robert arthur (when I was a kid I was hooked on the Three Investigators series and have since passed on the condition to my son :-)
So many others in this vein
I also read a lot of material from biblical scholars and I enjoy some inspirational works by authors like Max Lucado and others. There is a wide variety of non-fiction on my bookshelves. If I'm wondering about anything I tend to get a book on the subject either at the library or for keeps.
Movies And TV Shows I Like:
MASH is my all time favorite
America's Most Wanted
Dirty Jobs
Two & A Half Men
Seinfeld was a favorite
Matlock & Columbo are old favorites
Law & Order in the past, not so much lately
Justice Files, similar crime documentaries,
I like A&E, the History Channel, The Discovery Channel and similar
I guess I tend to gravitate to the little half hour, empty headed stuff sometimes to escape the deep thinking mode I tend to stay in most of the time :-)

Comment Wall:

  • Johnny Russell

    Hi Lisa, I guess this would be the similar resources that you give reference to on your webpage, welcome.
  • Beth Groundwater

    Hi Lisa,
    Thanks for befriending this mystery author on Crimespace! I hope you'll put my books, A Real Basket Case and To Hell in a Handbasket, on your to-read list if you haven't read them already. If you'd like to enter a contest for a free copy of To Hell in a Handbasket, sign up for my email newsletter at: .
    - Beth