Kerry J Donovan




Profile Information:

About Me:
I'm a furniture designer/maker, avid reader of crime fiction and amateur writer. Married for 36 years, three children, 3 grandchildren - no pets (ever)
I Am A:
Reader, Writer, Publisher
Books And Authors I Like:
John Grisham, Michael Connely, Harlan Coben, David Baldacci, Kate Atkinson, etc. etc.
Movies And TV Shows I Like:
NCIS, Morse, Lewis, Judge John Deed, quiz shows, sports shows

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  • Karen Long

    Lurve the furniture. Just followed your link to The fussy librarian. I'm just a couple of comments short of applying. Soooo if you like The Safe Word post a comment and rating. I shall do likewise. x

  • Karen Long

    I agree totally. I did self publish for a week or so but got picked up by an agency who worked with me on tightening the text and then published me themselves under the White Glove scheme. It extremely helpful having an agent and I love working with Peta. I'm on the client list if you want to check me out. x

  • Karen Long

    Never apologise for your work! I'm really looking forward to reading more of it. BTW my email is Much easier to communicate that way. Firstly do you NEED an agent? Or are you doing bloody well yourself. That's the joy of self publishing. You do have to compromise or be a tiddler in the agent's pond. You are published and getting recommendations which is what an agent would do for you. Look at their site and tick on submissions but before you do I recommend that you buy the writers and artists yearbook. It gives you the skinny on pros and cons and most importantly HOW to apply. There's a protocol. You have all of the agents details and who/what they are looking for. Hope that's helpful x