Howard Shrier


Toronto, Ontario


Profile Information:

Montreal, QC
About Me:
I'm a crime writer based in Toronto. My debut thriller, Buffalo Jump, which introduced investigator Jonah Geller, won the Crime Writers of Canada's Arthur Ellis Award for Best First Novel in 2008. The sequel, High Chicago, won the Arthur Ellis for Best Novel of 2009. Book three in the series, Boston Cream, is due out Jan. 31, 2012. Film rights to all three books have been optioned and Canada's CTV network is funding development of a pilot script. Slowly. I play a somewhat mean guitar, love to sing hurtin' tunes and cherish my wife and kids. I'm contracted to write one more Jonah Geller book for Random House, due out in 2013. I'm also releasing my first standalone thriller, Lostport, as an e-book this fall.
I Am A:
Books And Authors I Like:
First Loves: Chandler, Hammett and Ross Macdonald. Enduring Relationships: Elmore Leonard, Robert Crais, Dennis Lehane, Michael Connolly, T. Jefferson Parker, Lee Child, Walter Mosely, Tony Hillerman, Ken Bruen, Ian Rankin, Mark Billingham, Christopher Brookmyre, Arnaldur Indridasen, Jo Nesbo (but not Henning Mankell, thank you...ZZZZZ) and many many more. Newer discoveries: Sean Chercover, Dave Zeltserman, Giles Blunt, Marcus Sakey, Denise Mina, John Harvey.
Movies And TV Shows I Like:
Favorite films (i.e., repeated viewings) include Chinatown, Witness, Double Indemnity, The Big Sleep, Godfather I and II, Donnie Brasco, The Manchurian Candidate (original), To Have and Have Not, Hombre, Lord of the Rings, Duel, Jaws, Don't Look Now, Marathon Man, Tootsie and so many more. TV? Not so much, except for the usual HBO suspects. And Corner Gas. And whatever my kids want to watch.

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