
Profile Information:

About Me:
A lifelong reader of crime fiction - mostly British -I wrote my first crime/suspense story in third grade and first saw one published in 2003 (although I had been published in other fields since the early 1990's). The rising profile of crime/mystery writers in Canada is encouraging, and I read as much Canadian crime fiction as I can fit in.
I Am A:
Books And Authors I Like:
Lindsay Davis
Elizabeth Peters
Dorothy Sayers
Margery Allingham
Movies And TV Shows I Like:
Inspector Alleyn
Foyle's War
Inspector Lynley

Comment Wall:

  • Beth Groundwater

    Hi Jayne,
    Thanks for becoming my friend. I liked your comments on the question "Why are murder mysteries so popular?"
  • Beth Groundwater

    LOL! No, Jayne, I don't mind at all being thought of as "the basket case lady". :-)