Bennett Kremen


New York, NY

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
I was born in Chicago and am now living in New York City. I've for many years been writing seriously and have contributed major articles to The New York Time Book Review and Financial pages and to The Nation, The Village Voice and many other publications. And at one time I served as an associated editor at the old, celebrated Holiday magazine before developing a psychotherapy practice, which I've maintained on and off ever since, Along with the freelance work mentioned above, I wrote a book of new journalism for The Dial Press and some short fiction, scholarly papers and poetry for various small press publications. I've also written an epic screenplay describing my experiences working on the Alaska Pipleline, during its construction. Though I've traveled the world and have watched the Eskimos hunting whale on the Arctic Ocean and once danced with the Gypsys in the Sacra Monte, my greatest passion, the one rising up in me inextricably every day, is to create the finest, the most powerful fiction I can possibly create. Since my childhood I've marveled at the beauty , force and profudity of the world's great novelists. And their embracing aura's always with me in every line I write. For five unstinting years, this lifetime of devotion and effort has been poured into each page of my present novel, Savage Days Haunted Nights, now available on
I Am A:
Books And Authors I Like:
Hemingway, Raymond Chandler, Lawrence Block

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