Mark B. Röttenberg

Profile Information:

Rio de Janeiro
About Me:
Photographer and Writer. Actually, I'm writing my first fiction book and researching as much I can for knowledge to support the story that 'll present.
I Am A:
Reader, Writer
Books And Authors I Like:
Dostoieviski - all
Carl Sagan - all
Victor Hugo - The Miserables
George Orwell - 1984
and many more. Stephen Hawking, Martin Rees, Arthur C. Clarke, Aldous Huxley, Isaac Asimov, Antony Beevor, Eric Hobsbawn, Jorge Luis Borges, Machado de Assis, etc...
Movies And TV Shows I Like:
2001, 2010, Schindler's List, Ballad of a Soldier, Metropolis, Brave new world, Minority Report, Time Machine, History Channel, NGC, Discovery, Apollo XIII...

Comment Wall:

  • MysteryDawg

    HI Mark,

    Yes, I'm always interested in looking at new material. If you decide to send me something, let me know what kind of feedback you would like.