Ailene Yasmin



Czech Republic

Profile Information:

New York City
About Me:
Reformed journalist turned freelance writer, blogger and first-time crime author. Originally from NYC, I lived in different places around the US but left the country in May 2007 to travel Europe. I bounced around several different countries before landing in Prague where I completed my first manuscript. Currently, involved in the hellish process of shopping that same ms, while working on other writing projects.

"Once you choose hope, anything's possible." ~~Superman Christopher Reeve
I Am A:
Reader, Writer
Books And Authors I Like:
Michael Connelly, James Patterson, John Sanford, Dean Koontz, Patricia Cornwell, J.A. Konrath, Iris Johansen, Stuart Woods, Dennis Lehane, Robert Dugoni (The Jury Master).
Movies And TV Shows I Like:
City of God, Snatch, Ocean's Trilogy... all good. Don't have a television since I left US but I used to enjoy Law & Order (original and Criminal Intent), City Confidential, American Justice and the Michael Baden Autopsy series on HBO.

Comment Wall:

  • L.J. Sellers

    Hi Ailene
    I sympathize with your quest. Agents are as hard to figure out as editors. And they're no guarantee. I had the best agent in the business representing a novel he loved and still couldn't sell it. If you have readers telling you they love your story, keep the faith. And never change something you don't want to based on one person's opinion. Best wishes to you.
  • Grant McKenzie

    Thanks, Ailene. Switch launches in the UK on Nov. 3. So far, I've seen it up for pre-order on Amazon UK, Amazon Germany and Amazon Canada, and I'm still working on the line edits - yikes!
  • Jack Getze

    I'd have to say I got almost everything from conferences and conventions. I wrote eight unpublished novels before I went to Writers Retreat Workshop and learned that fiction was much different that my journalism background. I met other writers there, made friends, including one who introduced me to her agent, who now is mine, and who sold my first and second novels. The mystery conventions have been important to me as a published author, not so much before. I guess I'm saying, everybody's different, but networking works in any business, and publishing is a business.
  • Jack Getze

    No, I understand completely. It is expensive. And you already understand that fiction is a craft. I wasted 30 years thinking I was already equipped to write novels. I wasn't.
  • Charles A. King

    I really like animals, really. I'm owned by a cat myself. Funny how that works. As far as ice breaking, not my intent, but I'll hang with the ripples. ... Eh? You like star trek? :)