Lee Franklin


Western Australia


Profile Information:

A little town.
About Me:
I'm a Hypnotherapist who loves to write. I'm still learning about the craft, but then I guess every one is. I live on asmall acreage in Western Australia with my family and animals.
I Am A:
Reader, Writer
Books And Authors I Like:
Karen Rose, Karen Slaughter, Lisa Gardner, Lisa Unger, Jeffrey Deaver, Vicki Hinze, J T Ellison, Jessica Speart, Harlen Coben and soooo many others.
Movies And TV Shows I Like:
Castle, Criminal Minds, Bones, ConAir, Sommersby, Sherlock Holmes.

Comment Wall:

  • lee caleca

    Hi, just wanted to get you started with a welcome to the site. What did you think of the Bones season premiere? I was all excited for the big reunion but the Bones/Booth hug should have been a tad longer!
  • lee caleca

    Too true!
  • Kate the Book Buff

    Hello and welcome! I just wanted to introduce myself, and my blog, The Book Buff: Book Reviews for Regular People. Check it out at http://www.thebookbuff.blogspot.com

    There is always a giveaway going on at The Book Buff, click on the book title for more info:

    The Aristobrats by best selling author Jennifer Solow (YA girl)

    The Island (audiobook) by New York Times best seller Elin Hilderbrand (Women's Contemporary Fiction)

    Texas Roads by Cathy Bryant (Christian Fiction/Romance)

    It can be a bit overwhelming around here at first, so if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask!

    -Kate the Book Buff
  • Karen from AustCrime

    Hi Lee - we're on 20 acres out in the bush as well (2 hours out of Melbourne) - with lots of animals :) Looking forward to seeing what you're reading. Welcome to Crimespace.
  • Karen from AustCrime

    You're right about that country air thing! Luckily the fires were no where near us (we're about an hour west of Bendigo and an hour above Ballarat) so a long way away from the last fires fortunately (it's part of why we moved here 2 years ago :) ) Hope you'll leap in and keep us up to date with what you're reading. It's always interesting to see what everyone's doing.
  • David Whish-Wilson

    Hi Lee,

    I notice that you're a fellow Western Australian. I've just joined crimespace but look forward to chatting. I once considered doing hypnotherary as a career myself (still practice a little self-hypnosis when I'm struggling to sleep!)
  • David Whish-Wilson

    Thanks Lee - look forward to catching up. The most recent book is a crime novel set in Perth in 1975 - based on the murder of Shirley Finn (probably Perth's most notorious unsolved murder because of police involvement.) There are more details at www.davidwhish-wilson.com - as a novel based on research, interviews with people from back in the day etc. Cheers, Dave