Chris Jay Becker


Cedar Rapids, IA

United States

Profile Information:

Cedar Rapids
About Me:
I'm a native Angeleno. The son of two ex-junkies/ex-cons, the grandson of a vaudeville comic. Myself, I have been a stand-up comic, a journalist, a skip tracer, a security consultant, and a gravedigger (in Alaska.)
I Am A:
Books And Authors I Like:
James Ellroy, Dashiell Hammett, Elmore Leonard, Raymond Chandler, James M Cain, Michael Connelly, Raymond Embrack, Jim Thompson, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Tom Robbins, Earl Emerson.
Movies And TV Shows I Like:
The Big Lebowski, LA Confidential, The Black Dahlia, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Trainspotting, Mad Men, Deadwood.

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  • Cammy May Hunnicutt

    Thanks for extending a hand, Chris.

    That's some resume there.  For some reason Alaska gravedigger really jumps out.  I'm sure there are technical problems.  :-)

    Good luck with your badass stuff.


  • Cammy May Hunnicutt

    You bought my book?  Well bless your badass heart, Chris.  I can tell you are man with no insecurity about his masculinity.

  • I. J. Parker

    Oh, how nice!  Thanks.  Being a writer has many private rewards, but publicly it tends to be a very painful experience. I know others have the same problems I have or had, and it's easy to feel sympathy.