Henry R Thompson


San Manuel, AZ

United States

Profile Information:

Hallock, Mn
About Me:
I have been writing poetry for about 25 years, As far as novels go I have a world class collection of rejection slips. But then the object is to write, publishing is somebody else's problem.
I Am A:
Reader, Writer
Books And Authors I Like:
"angels and Demons, Gregg Olsen, L.J. Sellers, Clive Barker
Movies And TV Shows I Like:
Thrillers, crime, PBS, NPR, History and discovery channels.

Comment Wall:

  • Kim Cantrell

    Ah, our sister city. Of course, we're not even close to being called "big."
  • Kim Cantrell

    My pleasure! I thought McMinnville, OR was bigger than that. Oh well, then I guess McMinnville, TN is a big - or bigger, I should say - town in comparison - approx. 15,000.
  • Mitzi Szereto

    No, my name is the same spelling as it's always been!
  • jack everett

    Nice part of the world you live in Henry. As far as rejection slips go everyone who calls themselves writers have had their share, they are a writers battle scars. If you enjoy doing it it's like breathing keep it up and who knows one day something might happen. If you get desperate you can always self-publish but you don't strike me as that sort of a person. Good luck with your future and remember, 'old age isn't so bad when you think of the alternative.'
  • Kate the Book Buff

    Welcome! I just wanted to introduce myself, and my blog, The Book Buff: Book Reviews for Regular People. Check it out at http://www.thebookbuff.blogspot.com

    There is always a giveaway going on at The Book Buff, click on the book title for more info:
    The Aristobrats by best selling author Jennifer Solow (YA girl)
    The Island (audiobook) by New York Times best seller Elin Hilderbrand (Women's Contemporary Fiction)
    Texas Roads by Cathy Bryant (Christian Fiction/Romance)

    It can be a bit overwhelming around here at first, so if you have any questions, please, don't hesitate to ask!

    -Kate the Book Buff
  • Beth Groundwater

    Hi Henry,
    Thanks for befriending this mystery author on Crimespace! I plan to participate in Pikes Peak Writers' NaNoTRYMo event, which is to set some realistic writing goal and work to meet it, with the encouragement of fellow writers. My goal is to finish the rough draft of the third Claire Hanover gift basket designer mystery that I'm writing, which will take about 20-25k words.
  • Beth Groundwater

    Thanks, Henry, for your encouraging note about my NaNoTryMo (vs NaNoWriMo) progress. I backslid today, with a grand total of 0 words, because I had a telecon with the Midnight Ink publicity department and spent the rest of the day (and evening) knocking off action items that resulted from that. Back to writing tomorrow!
  • Amy Dawson Robertson

    Hi Henry -- thanks for adding me -- hope you're having a good one! Love your photos -- I've always wanted to visit Chaco.
  • Amy Dawson Robertson

    True, I would probably find it quite mild! Have a good one, Henry!