Eric Eckert

47, Male

St. Louis

United States

Profile Information:

St. Louis, Missouri
About Me:
I am a former journalist turned marketing professional living in Temple, Texas. I am married to a wonderful woman and we have three active sons.
I Am A:
Books And Authors I Like:
I like books of all shapes, sizes and styles. I enjoy a good novel and appreciate great twists and elements of mystery and suspense. My guilty pleasure has been Agatha Christie, and I'm a big fan of Ten Little Indians.

Comment Wall:

  • Kim Howell

    Welcome Aboard Eric! I look forward to reading more on your " The Novel Approach". Good Luck with your master's in English-creative writing. I've never gotten the hang of proper writing style, so I just type things the way I'd say them for the most part. And hope no one goes back and corrects all my mistakes. :-)
  • Russ Heitz

    Hi Eric,
    Thanks for the invite and good luck with the master's program. That's something I no doubt should have done years ago. Alas. But I still enjoy writing anyway. Thanks again. Glad to be part of your circle!
  • Jane Cleland

    Thanks for the add!
  • Eric Stone

    Hi Eric,
    I noticed that you're standing by Babe Ruth's Hall of Fame plaque. Wrong Side of the Wall should be available from Amazon or direct from the publisher - Lyons Press, and depending on where you are some bookstores still have copies - The Mystery Bookstore in Westwood in Los Angeles, and I think a few others around the country. let me know if you find it or not and how you like it if you do.
  • Susan Whitfield

    Eric, it's nice to meet so many other writers. I plan to read "novel approach" later today. Good luck with the MAED. Susan