Nicole Lascelle

63, Female



Profile Information:

Montreal, Quebec (Canada)
About Me:
I'm Canadian and a public relations consultant, marketing communications specialist ( freelance journalist and news junkie. I've worked in politics, sports, consumer products and more. I'm a huge mystery fan and am starting to share my books (all genres) at I'm a wannabe crime writer... have several ideas in my head but have not as yet committed to paper.
I Am A:
Books And Authors I Like:
so many!
Movies And TV Shows I Like:
Lost, Prison Break, Dexter, Bones, these are the ones I regularly watch and record.

Comment Wall:

  • Grant McKenzie

    Hey, Welcome Nicole. It's always good to have another Canadian around. I'm a Scottish-born Canadian writer of American thrillers who is trying to have Daniel also make me an honorary Aussie ;-)
  • L. A. Starks

    Thanks. You'll like CrimeSpace. It's a good group.
  • Kim Howell

    Welcome aboard Nicole. *WOW* You got this up fast since our last email. I'm sure you're really going to enjoy Crime Space as much as me. I've met some really great writers in here, and also a ton of fellow readers like myself.