Adrian Hyland

Profile Information:

About Me:
Writer and reader.
Books And Authors I Like:
Hundreds. In Oz, Maloney, Temple, Kel Robertson, Angela Savage.
Internationally, Reginald Hill, Ken Bruen, Stuart MacBride, Kinky

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  • Meredith Anthony

    Kinky Friedman? I'm a HUGE fan of his. Did you hear he ran for Governor of Texas? His main platform was against the de-clawing of cats! His mysteries rock! "I picked up the blower on the left..." "I left the cat in charge."
  • Sara Mills

    Thanks for the nice comment. I love Crime Space already. What a great bunch of people.

  • Johnny Ostentatious

    Just ordered your book after skimming a review in the PHILADELPHIA INQUIRER. Kinda lame how the American publisher changed the title (never heard of the author or series they didn't want it to be confused with). Hopefully they didn't Americanize the actual book.