Ken Isaacson

70, Male

United States

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Morristown, NJ
About Me:
During the day, I work as general counsel to a major transportation company. At night (well, actually, in the wee hours of the morning), I write legal thrillers.

I was born and raised in Perth Amboy, NJ, and upon graduating high school, I took off for college at MIT. (Why MIT, if I ended up a lawyer? A long story I'll be glad to share with you when we meet in person.) After MIT, I attended Columbia Law School, got my law degree in 1979, and I've been practicing law ever since.

As a lawyer, I write for a living, and I guess there are cynics who’d even say lawyers write fiction for a living. So somewhere along the way, I started writing novels.
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  • Elizabeth Zelvin

    Thanks, Ken. I'm thrilled about the Agatha nomination and grateful to all the friends who've helped me get this far, including you. :) Liz
  • L.J. Sellers

    Thanks. Now if a newspaper reviewer with a large would say that . . .
  • L.J. Sellers

    It's here! Wednesday, Silent Counsel came in the mail. And Thursday, I got laid off. So now I have time to read it. Good news all the way around.