Dick Lochte

United States

Profile Information:

Los Angeles and New Orleans
About Me:
New crime novel: CROAKED!. Previous books: SLEEPING DOG (winner, Nero Wolf Award, one of 100 Best Mysteries of the Millennium), LAUGHING DOG, LUCKY DOG (short stories), BLUE BAYOU, THE NEON SMILE. Columnist, LATimes for a long, long time (won Ellen Nehr Award for mystery criticism in 2003). Prior to all that, worked as skip-tracer, tour conductor, editor at TV Guide, copywriter for Playboy.
I Am A:
Writer, Critic
Books And Authors I Like:
All by Raymond Chandler, even Playback, All by Dashiell Hammett except The Thin Man, Craig Rice' John J. Malone novels, Leslie Charteris, the great Ross Thomas, Graham Greene, John le Carre, James Lee Burke, Jan Burke, Mike Connelly, George Pelecanos, Gerald Petievich (particularly Earth Angel), Ed Gorman (particularly the Sam McCains), Larry Block, Don Westlake (prefer the Parkers over the Dortmunders) -- too many more.
Movies And TV Shows I Like:
The usual movies: The Maltese Falcon, The Big Sleep, Chinatown, All-time favorite is The Third Man. Never can see it enough. Also, Twilight, The Usual Suspects, Witness for the Prosecution, North by Northwest, The Narrow Margin. TV: The Rockford Files, best PI series ever. Ten-Speed and Brown Shoe, Peter Gunn. Currently: Veronica Mars, Sopranos and both The Riches and Raines look like they may work out.

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  • Patricia Abbott

    Hi. Wondering if you're going to take Dick Adler up on his baton pass and write about a forgotten book this Friday.
  • Patricia Abbott

    Thanks, Dick. So kind of you to participate. I'll be looking forward to your pick.
  • Jerry Turner

    Dick, It's quiet enough for a drum solo....Happy Holidays from Jerry Turner and Bob Jacobson.....next book title: The Ghosts of Catfish Row! E Mail address...jjtmcgee@aol.com Merry Christmas! JT