becky brown

Profile Information:

poole, dorset, arse end of England
About Me:
i read, and write, and work far too much for my liking. i love my daughter, and my dogs, and all things not quite normal.
Books And Authors I Like:
laymon, King, Mcdermid, Kellerman, Slaughter, Kava, Billingham, Macbride, Reichs, Cornwell, Connelly (John), Hutson, to be honest, the list goes on, and on and on.....
Movies And TV Shows I Like:
C.S.I, Trial and Retribution, True crime stuff, book adaptions ect.

Comment Wall:

  • Stephen Booth

    Hi, Becky. Welcome to crimespace!

  • Lyn LeJeune

    re: horror vs seems King is the only horror writer that mainstream writers like, but the small presses are publishing lots.
    Crime is big; maybe its is helped by all the crime shows on TV or vice versa. I like the new crime show with strong women like The Closer, although the last few episode softened her a bit - what with the menopause angle.
    My book, The Beatitudes, is a paranormal thriller set in New Orleans. It will be out in the fall and I am donating all royalties directly to the New Orleans Public Library Foundation. Libraries support the infrastructure of a great city, so I have started The Beatitudes Network to promote awareness of the importance of public libraries in NOLA.
    The blogsite describes the Network, has excerpts from The Beatitudes, recipes, and more. Merci mille fois. Lyn Lejeune.
    Writers, please pass the word…’s for a good cause….don’t let the libraries of New Orleans or the US go the way of The Great Library of Alexandria. P.S. just posted an excerpt on my Crimespace page.
  • helen black

    Did you see Trial and Retribution last night?
    I love the prog but hate those bloody split screens.
    HB x