Robert Freemyer

, Male

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
Wrote a column for five years. Finished first novel last year, working on next of a triology. Otherwise, retired (no writer ever really retires) and living in the deep woods with my wife (an ex-Chief of Police)
Books And Authors I Like:
Most all mystery/adventure
Movies And TV Shows I Like:
Law and Order, CSI, Raines, Criminal Minds

Comment Wall:

  • bruceforester

    You never know. There is a retired police chief in some remote Wisc. town who called me 3 months ago about a serial killer who she thinks was a classmate of mine at med school...carves up his bodies ie Silence of the lambs and has been caught several times had trials and as his own atty always has been found interesting.. Now one can never use this in a novel as it is too incredyble and would not be believed. Bruce