Joan Merrill

Profile Information:

Bellevue, Washington
About Me:
I'm trying my hand at writing mysteries.
Books And Authors I Like:
Donna Leon, Elizabeth George, Martha Grimes, Ruth Rendell, Tony Hillerman, Sue Grafton...for mysteries.
Movies And TV Shows I Like:
English drama, such as those on Masterpiece Theater, and English crime, such as those on Mystery.

Comment Wall:

  • Sheri Fresonke Harper

    Joan, I'm glad you joined. This really looks like a cool place to network and make great contacts.
  • Pari Noskin Taichert

    Hey, Joan,
    Welcome to Crimespace. Tell me about that icon of yours.

    BTW: I want to tell you that Tony Hillerman is one of the nicest people I've ever met in my life. We both live in Albuquerque and I've had the chance to spend time with him on several occasions. Each one has been an utter joy.
  • Michael W. Sherer

    I'm in your neck of the woods. Maybe I'll see you at an MWA meeting sometime.
  • Burl Barer

    Joan -- it is no more work to submit your manuscript for publication (in fact, less work) than it is to self-publish. If no one wants it, and you insist on making it available, then self publish via Lulu etc. Have more faith in your work. Real publishers have real editors that don't cost you a cent, and you get aid! It's a better deal. Honest,

  • Burl Barer

    For some reason, the "p" in paid got lost in my comment. It was "p" and not "L"

  • Joan Merrill

    Sure, I could send out copies to several publishers, wait to see if I get any bites before going the print on demand route. That sounds easy enough. Is it?
  • Kathryn Lilley

    Hi Joan! My two cents only--without having read your manuscript, I would say that it's worth the effort to find an agent and a publisher, before you go the self-published route. I know it's difficult! However, an agent and publisher can launch your book and career in a way that is difficult for the self-published author! Best, Kathryn
  • Pari Noskin Taichert

    Hey, there, Joan,
    I think self-publishing is a really difficult way to go if you want others to read your work. This is mainly due to the marketing once the thing is published.

    Anything else I would say has already been tackled by others on this comment wall.

    Btw: last Sat (not yesterday), Alex brought this up at Murderati and got quite a few comments. You might want to check out the blog for June 30 to get some other viewpoints. As I recall, there was a good discussion in the comments section.
  • Marilyn Meredith

    IF you can find a critique group that's one way to work on your manuscript. I've belonged to the same critique group for about 23 years. There are three of us who are published and two who are not, but I value the suggestions and corrections made by everyone--and I enjoy watching their work improve.

    Rewriting is a real part of the writing process--probably the most important.

  • Sylvia Dickey Smith

    As a matter of fact, I know a great editor. Her name is Joan Hollier, email at (remember to use the symbol @ for at. I removed it to protect her from spam. )She's great. I also agree with Marilyn, before hiring an editor, join a critique group and be sure it is as perfect as you can get it first. Good luck!
  • Joan Merrill

    Done the critque group, thanks, and have had others critique, as well; now need a bona fide editor. I'll contact Joan Hollier...thanks for the suggestion!!
  • Morgan Mandel

    Hi Joan,
    You could e-mail Robert Walker at and see what his rates are for an entire book. He's an English teacher, also has many mystery books published, and does editing. I used him for one of my submissions.
    You could mention I gave you his name, so he'll know where you're coming from.
    Morgan Mandel
  • Joan Merrill

    Thanks. Will do.
  • Brianna Martini

    Hi Joan please email me and I'll be glad to help you.
  • Elizabeth Zelvin

    Joan, are you SURE you don't want at least to try to find a publisher? You might be interested in joining Sisters in Crime and their Guppies chapter to hear about all the different routes others are taking. Chris Roerden is one of the best editors I know. Her book Don't Murder Your Mystery won an Agatha and is nominated for a Macavity. Her email is If you contact her, feel free to say I sent you. :) Liz
  • Alan Cook

    Hi Joan,

    I have at least 5 copies of my new book, HONEYMOON FOR THREE, to give away to Crimespace members. Let me know if you are interested. I will need addresses of the winners. My email address is By the way, there's a scene at the Space Needle.
  • Harry Shannon

    Joining Sisters in Crime and MWA are good suggestions. So is getting a solid freelance editor to get the ms. together. I recommend Leya Booth ( reasonable and very smart. Good luck!