Bob Sanchez

Profile Information:

Las Cruces, NM (formerly Chelmsford, MA)
About Me:
I'm a retired technical writer. My first novel, When Pigs Fly, came out in 2006 to nice reviews. My reading tastes are eclectic, but I love to write humor.
Books And Authors I Like:
Carl Hiaasen, Janet Evanovich, Lawrence Sanders, Pat Conroy, Linda Barnes, Ed McBain, and a slew of others.

Comment Wall:

  • Charles Kelly

    Bob. Thanks again for taking a look at I hope to add more stuff in the coming weeks to make it worth a visit once in a while. I notice your novel is set in Arizona. It's a cool setting. I've been here 35 years now, and I'm still learning things about the state.
  • Jon McGoran as D. H. Dublin

    Hey Bob,
    Thanks for the invite. I'm pretty new to Crimespace myself. I just finished writing my first blog entry for the sole purpose of appeasing the exclamatory reminder that I had not yet done so.
    I look forward to reading your novel When Pigs Fly. Maybe even sooner. (Like you haven't heard that before!)
    Thanks again for the invite. Keep in touch.
  • Bob Sanchez

    Hi Jon,
    Yep, I've heard it before. My friends also refer to my book as "the little porker." Actually, the pig in question is a javelina that wandered into the second draft of my Arizona-based crime caper.