Gerald So

United States

Profile Information:

New York
About Me:
Editor of The 5-2: Crime Poetry Weekly; reviewer of fiction, film, and TV; moderator of DetecToday, Spenser's Sneakers, and CrimeSeen.
I Am A:
Writer, Editor, Critic
Books And Authors I Like:
Raymond Chandler, Robert B. Parker, Jeremiah Healy, Robert Crais, S.J. Rozan
Movies And TV Shows I Like:
NCIS, Bones, Burn Notice, Leverage, The Big Bang Theory

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  • Dana King

    Thanks for the invite. I'm still getting caught up from Bouchercon, or I would have invited you already. It was a pleasure to get to hang with you on Saturday. Looking forward to Indy already.
  • Tom Cooke

    Really like the picture. Of course a guy with a cat on his head would.
  • Tom Cooke

    THAT DAMN CALAHAN GIRL will be enroute to T.D by the first of the week. Mythica Publsihing just accepted my novel and I've been buried trying to get P.R. together for the launch. . I hope you like it because I tried to scale it to your magazine. Thrillling Detective would be A real feather in my cap .
