Karen Allingham

67, Female


Profile Information:

About Me:
I battered out my first stories on an old Olivetti typewriter at age eight. Can't remember much about those stories, but they were probably along the lines of Famous Five or Secret Seven books. As a teenager I devoured as many Agatha Christie novels as I could get my hands on. After leaving school I travelled, settled down, had four children, gained a degree in Australian Studies and Literature, ran several small businesses and then eventually found my way back to the typewriter - well, laptop. I have had short stories published in anthologies and online, and this year I am working on my first novel.
I Am A:
Books And Authors I Like:
Cate Kennedy
Paddy O'Reilly
Lindy Cameron
Kate Grenville
Gabrielle Lord
Peter Temple
Anne Tyler
Annie Proulx
Movies And TV Shows I Like:
Summer Heights High (Australians will understand)
Law and Order
Thank God You're Here
The Office (BBC version)

American Gangster
I am Legend
American Beauty
Donnie Darko
The Departed
Blood Diamond
Pursuit of Happyness
Day After Tomorrow
Brokeback Mountain

Comment Wall:

  • Karen from AustCrime

    Hi Karen - the world can't have enough Karen's - especially ones who list Lindy Cameron and Gabrielle Lord in their favourite authors - welcome to Crimespace.
  • Lee Lofland

    Hi Karen. I know a few people in Australia who've read my book so I know it's available.

    If you get a chance visit my blog. It's sort of like my book, one page at a time. http://www.leelofland.com/wordpress/
  • Rose Mercer

    How cool to see you here Karen. How's the writing going? I've scared myself and haven't written anything for about three months now... oh dear. I am starting to think about the mighty novel aain though so...
  • Lindy Cameron

    Hi Karen
    Glad you joined up. Isn't this the coolest place.