Iain Rowan

, Male


United Kingdom

Profile Information:

Sunderland, UK
About Me:
'Nowhere To Go', a collection of my crime fiction, is available now at Amazon. You can see more about my fiction on my website, or read a free sample story from 'Nowhere To Go' at Smashwords (available to download for all e-readers, or to read online).

I was shortlisted for the UK Crime Writers’ Association Debut Dagger novel award a while back. I’ve had a lot of short stories published in places like AHMM and EQMM, and some of those have won awards and been reprinted in anthologies.
I Am A:
Reader, Writer
Books And Authors I Like:
Donna Tartt, Daniel Woodrell, Rupert Thomson, Hunter Thompson, Haruki Murakami, Ray Carver, Richard Ford, Peter Temple, George Pelecanos, Jim Thompson, Martin Cruz Smith, James Ellroy, Robert Aickman, James Ellroy, Jeff Vandermeer, Mikhail Bulgakov

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  • Michael Robotham

    Hi Iain,
    glad you liked LOST or DROWNING MAN as it's called in some territories (confusing and irritating as this is). I came across some brilliant books in doing the research, including UNDERGROUND LONDON by Stephen Smith, LONDON UNDER LONDON by Richard Trench and Ellis Hillman and THE LOST RIVERS OF LONDON by Nicholas Barton. It's a fascinating subject (albeit smelly).
  • L.J. Sellers

    Hi Iain
    The waiting can make you crazy. So I just keep writing.
    I admire short story writers. I love to read them, I just can't write them.
  • Hull Crime Fiction

    Cheers, Iain. I suspect Barnsley remains more likely than Barcelona! It's nice to upset a few of our supposedly superiors, though :-)

    Best of luck with the writing - the shorts are great.