Betty Ann Harris

69, Female


United States

Profile Information:

Northeastern Pennsylvania
About Me:
I am a writer, mostly romantic suspense. My two FBI series books, Eureka Point and My Very Special Agent, are available at, or at Amazon and Fictionwise.
I Am A:
Reader, Writer
Books And Authors I Like:
The Saving Graces by Patricia Gafney, all Nora Roberts.
Movies And TV Shows I Like:
Law and Order, Chuck, The Food Channel (I like to cook), and the soap The Bold and the Beautiful. I'm not usually a soap fan but the writers for that show are good.

Comment Wall:

  • David L. Hoof

    Your husband should try Updike's The Coup if he hasn't already. Although I got John Kerry to plug my last novel, Little Gods, I got no response from Updike, although I got his Mass. address right because his neighbor was a classmate of mine at Deerfield, also the photographer for the cover illustration on the book. We're going into a second press run for Little Gods, so if you want me to send you Little Gods, for you and husband to make an independent assessment of whether it's 'right' for him - it's set in the Berkshires in the '60s -- just let me know. Thanks for getting back with 'relevant' comments.

  • Betty Ann Harris

    Eureka Point is a delicious and spellbinding story about Park Avenue interior designer, Katie Montgomery, whose devious and mentally unstable husband, Craig Montgomery, is a wanted fugitive. Craig is involved with a notoriously dangerous South American drug cartel. The FBI uncovers his drug operation and they believe he has fled the country, leaving Katie alone and in danger. The FBI helps her by changing her appearance and identity, and relocates her from New York to Eureka Point, California, where she meets her contact, Special Agent Tom Owens, who is totally smitten with her. They fall for each other but Katie, a.k.a. Elizabeth (Lizzie) Harrison, holds back, fearful that Craig will have them both killed or that she will never be free of him. There are twists and turns in the plot, which keeps you guessing what will happen next, and has you routing for Tom, who is the "knight in shining armor".
  • terry bowman

    Just curious, how much effort have you put into traditional publishing methods? I've used lulu for a couple of my books, but it's really not viable for the career novelist.
  • Lauren Carr

    Hello, Betty Anny. Thank you for the invitation.
  • Peg Herring

    Betty Ann,
    Thanks for the invitation and good luck with the series.
  • Cheryl Norman

    Hi Betty! My first stab at fiction was written first person, but it didn't work for me. I love to read first person POV, though, just can't write it *LOL*

    Good luck with your writing!
  • Cheryl Norman

    Ah, so you're a Food Network addict, too! I have to ration my viewing time or I'd never have time to write or cook! *LOL* Yes, I love cooking. (and eating!) I have a healthful-cooking newsletter if you're interested, at (or send blank e-mail to chef cheri).

  • Douglas Quinn

    This is why I'm using iUniverse. It's easy to upload your manuscript, they take care of all the formating--and do a terrific job. I like their production values, also. I published several books with them and have never been disappointed.
  • Douglas Quinn

    I like the cover art of your book. Simple but effective. I presume the reason for your attempts at uploading into LuLu's templates was for publishing in trade paper back. still prefer to read print versions. Let me know when the book is available in that format. Will consider doing a review, too, if you'd want another mystery/suspense author to do so. I don't do too many reviews as I don't have a lot of time to devote to that, but your book sounds intriguing.

  • Betty Ann Harris

    Thanks Douglas. I will definitely take you up on your offer for a review. I agree with you about reading a book in hard print. Who wants to spend even more time in front of a computer screen reading a book? And you can't roam around, snuggle up, etc. But at least my family and friends could read it and let me know what they thought. I am most anxious to get the paperback in my hands! Thanks again, Betty Ann
  • Douglas Quinn

    It was difficult with all three books to pick interesting/exciting excerpts that wouldn't give away anything. Glad you enjoyed it. Already had two people who, since Saturday, called and said they decided to just start reading the book and ended up not being able to put it down. That's the kind of comment I like to hear. Hope you'll get a copy. But be warned....

  • Scott Nicholson

    Good luck witht he writing!
  • Douglas Quinn

    When you get a chance, check out my Crimespace Blog re the info and pics from my recent book signing event.

    Douglas Quinn
  • Julie Morrigan

    Hey - nice to meet you! Thanks for the friends add.
  • Kathryn Lilley

    Hi Betty Ann! I found this regarding Rear Window on Wikipedia: Rear Window is a 1954 film directed by Alfred Hitchcock, based on Cornell Woolrich's 1942 short story It Had to Be Murder.

    So I think it was not a novel, but a short story? Thanks for visiting my page! Best, Kathryn
  • Betty Ann Harris

    Kathryn, Thanks for the info. about Rear Window. I'm going to check it out. Smiles, BA