Gina Micale

United States

Profile Information:

Sierra Madre, CA
About Me:
I'm a very eclectic reader. I like everything mystery. I'm a wife and mother to one 7 year old daughter. Ha Ha~see photo - I'm not proud or anything. She's beautiful in case you can't tell. My husband is the famous Vito.
Movies And TV Shows I Like:
I'm a sucker for sentimental movies and oldies from the forties. If it's black and white, it's probably good. Love Kate Hepburn. Little known fact: my father wanted to name me Sabrina because he loved the other Hepburn.

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  • Lesa Holstine

    Gina - Thanks for the nice comments about my blog and contests for free books! I hope you keep checking it out. Thanks.
  • Rose

    I played around some more with my page, and now I think that it is too bright.
  • Rose

    Didn't think of my page that way, but you are right. It is springy. Though I never quite though of myself that way, but I am accepting the compliment. Better than what my kids call me: weird.