Carol Davis Luce

United States

Profile Information:

About Me:
My first novel, Night Stalker, was also my first sale. "A dandy read," wrote author Tony Hillerman. It went into three printings and became the flagship for the sub-genre "Woman in Jeopardy" at Kensington Publishers—strong heroines pitted against evil opponents. Reviewers have said of my villains: [Night Prey] "Luce's portrayal of a psychopathic mountain man is chilling..." [Night Game] "The villain is evil personified." In addition to five published novels, my short story "Shattered Crystal" appeared in Alfred Hitchcock Magazine and Treadmill Tales (audio). E-reads Publications reprinted Night Passage in e-book format and POD. Nonfiction publications include two articles for Writer's Digest. One article, "Writing Suspense That'll Kill Your Readers," was reprinted in the 2002 The Complete Handbook of Novel Writing (Writer's Digest Books). A former senior editor for a small romantic press, I am currently working on a new thriller. I'm also a fiction instructor for Writer's Digest's WRITER'S ON LINE WORKSHOP.
I Am A:
Writer, Editor
Books And Authors I Like:
I'm thinking. I'm thinking.
Movies And TV Shows I Like:
Still thinking

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  • Shane Gericke

    Welcome, fellow Kensonite. And thanks for the congrats on the RT award. I'm still in shock about that honor!
  • Kate Pepper

    Did you just write a thriller about identical twins, or read one?
  • Robin Burcell

    Hi Carol. Thanks for the invite!