Yvonne Klein

, Female



Profile Information:

Montreal QC Canada
About Me:
When I'm not reading, I'm often complaining about the weather, which is usually TOO COLD. I used to teach English in college, but I don't have to do that any more. I do a fair bit of reviewing, and translate from French into English when I can get the work.
Books And Authors I Like:
I like police procedurals (Rankin, Robinson, Hill, Hurley, Booth, etc.), historicals (Andrew Taylor, Gillian Linscott, who seems to have given it up), mad (in the very best sense of the word) Englishwomen like Minette Walters, Ruth Rendell, and Laura Wilson and that growing sub-genre, Grim from Glasgow. I also like funny, Christopher Brookmyre, Donna Moore. I do not read books with cats or recipes. I don't do heartwarming if I can help it.
Movies And TV Shows I Like:
Most of those I really like seem to be off now, like The Wire and The Office (UK) and The Sopranos is on its last hurrah. But if there's a black and white movie from the 30's or 40's, I'm there like a shot.

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  • Kevin Burton Smith

    Sorry, but it's kinda funny seeing all these cats talking to each other. Or at least I thought it was funny.

    Now excuse me... I've got a hot date with this cute little Corona long neck...
  • Mary Elwood

    Hi Yvonne...your kitty is so cute! Aren't cat trees great? I also like the same types of mysteries you do. BTW, do you know this police procedural that takes place in Canada, a male officer and his partner? He has a daughter and his wife was killed by her therapist? And the author is male?
  • Mary Elwood

    PS if your kitty a maine coone?