Tolstoy, Gogol, Dostoevsky, Sholokhov, Zola, Proust, Umberto Eco, Willa Cather, Carson McCullers, William Faulkner, Lawrence Durrell, Dame Ivy Compton-Burnett, Henning Mankell, Doris Lessing, Ben Okri, Murakami, Maya Angelou, Heller's Catch 22, Gabriel García Márquez, sometimes Tanith Lee, Steig Larsson, F Scott Fitzgerald, Vonnegut, Hunter Davies, Joseph Conrad, Jean Rhys, lots more, Alan Garner for children's books, and never to forget Robert Davies 'The Man Who Lived at the End of the World', because his writing in this book has that extra something.
Movies And TV Shows I Like:
TV - Cathy Come Home (Loach), Misfits, the first Green Wing, Spiral, The Bourne Supremacy etc but there is a limit to how many repeats one can watch, Poirot for the 1930s sets, most other tv is rubbish. Films: Catch 22, Who's Afraid of Virginia Wolf, Blue Velvet, The Third Man, Withnail and I, Nosferatu, Crouching Tree, Hidden Dragon, To Kill a Mockingbird, Leon: the Professional, Fahrenheit 451, Onibaba, The Seven Samurai, Kill Bill, The Fifth Element, Tom Jones (from the novel, not the singer), Get Carter, A Man for All Seasons, If, Clockwork Orange, Gabriel Range TV films & documentaries,
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