Nancy Gardner
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  • United States
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  • peggy
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  • J. E. Seymour
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  • Theo Gangi
  • Paula R. Stiles
  • Nikki Leigh
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  • Whiskey Creek Press
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Nancy Gardner's Page

Profile Information

About Me:
I write cozy mysteries set in Salem, Massachusetts. My short stories usually feature two homeless women as protagonists. I'm working on my first novel (have been for quite a while) and have the beginnings of an idea for a second one.
Belonging to Sisters-In-Crime/NE provides lots of support, as does attending the Cape Cod Writers Conference in the summer with my husband who also writes.
My daughter just provided me with my third granddaughter, my son recently married, and I am the caretaker for my mother who has Alzheimer's and is in a nursing home.
Since I began writing I've made lots of new friends who struggle as I do to get just the write words down on paper. My hobby is making jewelry.
Books And Authors I Like:
Linda Barnes, Heart of the World (and all things Carlotta)
Sue Grafton, A,B,C,etc. series
Chris Bohjalian, The Double Bind
Doris Kearns Goodwin, Team of Rivals
Movies And TV Shows I Like:
TV: The Daily Show, PBS Austen dramas, Heroes (though I didn't finish watching), Seinfeld, Monty Python, Fawlty Towers
Movies: Best in Show, Stranger Than Fiction, A Fish Called Wanda, A Mighty Wind, Fargo, Memento, Transamerica

Comment Wall (11 comments)

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At 12:30am on February 1, 2010, peggy said…
Hi Nancy! Paul Brazill invited me to join this social network, so I searched the member list for "Gardner" and here you are!

I'm not very good at these ning sites, but I will try to network better here. There's some stellar talent among its members (including the person I am messaging right this second.).

Next time I see you, I'll be envious of your tan.
At 9:13am on August 17, 2007, Lyn LeJeune said…
Thanks for writing me. A beatitude is someone who acts in the interests of others. That what the book is about.
What have you been reading lately? I just finished Water for of those books that keeps you reading all night the story is so enchanting. Highly recommended.
At 7:44am on August 14, 2007, Lyn LeJeune said…
Hi Nancy. Keep up the writing. it has given me a purpose; almost a calling and joy. My book, The Beatitudes, is a paranormal thriller set in New Orleans. It will be out in the fall and I am donating all royalties directly to the New Orleans Public Library Foundation. Libraries support the infrastructure of a great city, so I have started The Beatitudes Network to promote awareness of the importance of public libraries in NOLA.
The blogsite describes the Network, has excerpts from The Beatitudes, recipes, and more. Merci mille fois. Lyn Lejeune.
Writers, please pass the word…’s for a good cause….don’t let the libraries of New Orleans or the US go the way of The Great Library of Alexandria. P.S. just posted an excerpt on my Crimespace page.
At 12:16pm on June 25, 2007, Paula R. Stiles said…
Hi Nancy,

Thanks for the comment on my page. Just dropping by to return the favor.

And I'm with Mary. Black Books is a hoot!
At 1:12pm on June 11, 2007, Nancy Gardner said…
Sounds like a winning event to me!!!

Best regards,
At 11:39am on June 11, 2007, Nikki Leigh said…
Using a dog as a main character was interesting and posed some unique problems, but I really like the finished product. It started out as a prize for a fundraising event I did for a local animal shelter. From there it grew to the first book in the series :) I had a bookstore owner request that the real Kristie, Nathan and Lilah have to visit the store to have their picture taken :) Should be a lot of fun :)

NIkki Leigh
At 8:21am on April 19, 2007, Pari Noskin Taichert said…
Oh, Nancy,
You named some of my very favorite films. Alas, I didn't put them on my own list . . . . might have to revise it. Christopher Guest produces some of the most entertaining mockumentaries around.
At 2:56am on April 13, 2007, Evelyn David said…
Welcome Nancy! I was intrigued by your protagonists - have you had their stories published?

I was reading your list of favorites. I too would put Doris Kearns Goodwin on my list, as well as Best in Show. Then I laughed as I tried to figure out if there was a theme that would tie those two together??

At 2:00pm on April 12, 2007, Lee Lofland said…
Hi Nancy. I'll be speaking for the next NE SinC meeting on April 29. I hope to see you there.
At 12:02am on April 12, 2007, Bobbie Gosnell said…
That's a great picture, Nancy.

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