February 2010 Blog Posts (134)

Clash of the Titans

This post may do nothing more than re-assert my ignorance. It won’t be the first time.

I have no dog in the Amazon-Macmillan pissing contest. I’m not published, and I’m not particularly hopeful about the prospects, so it doesn’t have much of an effect on me, other than potentially forcing me to buy books by Macmillan authors elsewhere. I have friends who are potentially effected by this, and I feel for them (John McFetridge must feel like Joe Bftsplk by now), but I have a little… Continue

Added by Dana King on February 2, 2010 at 9:27am — 29 Comments

William F. Nolan to be PulpFest 2010 Guest of Honor

PulpFest is proud to announce that award-winning author, editor, screenwriter, and biographer William F. Nolan will be the Guest of Honor at this year’s convention.

Among his other accomplishments, Mr. Nolan is a leading authority on pulp fictioneers Max Brand and Dashiell Hammett as well as the other… Continue

Added by Mike Chomko on February 2, 2010 at 7:21am — No Comments

Want to win a Garmin GPS?

Here's how: http://www.robincaroll.com/contest.html

Added by Robin Caroll on February 2, 2010 at 5:22am — No Comments


One of the curses of being a writer is when people say “I've had a fascinating life. You should write about me.”

I've had a fascinating life myself. I caused a small riot in a train station in Hanover, Germany, and another riot in a marketplace in Haiti. International misunderstandings can happen when you're 23 and clueless. Seventeen years working in law enforcement gave me plenty of plots.

According to a New York Times survey, 81% of Americans feel they have a book in… Continue

Added by Sunny Frazier on February 2, 2010 at 5:00am — 2 Comments

The Eye of the Beholder (17)

“You look very pleased with yourself,” Hugh said once he’d given Cary a welcome home kiss and handed him a bottle of beer.

“I am. That man I told you about who wants to create our website came up with a design that Rickerson actually approved of that might drive more business our way.”

“So he’s male? I thought you didn’t know if he was male or female.”

Cary laughed. “I did the obvious and asked. After all I can’t spend the next however long it takes to get this… Continue

Added by Edith Glass on February 2, 2010 at 4:36am — No Comments

Looking Like A Fool With Your Foot In Your Mouth

In the wake of the Amazon-Macmillan war, I came to one inescapable conclusion: trust no one.

I heard so many varying reports on how royalties are paid, who did what to whom and the legal variables I ended up with a headache. As a result, I clearly stated some things (I think mainly in comments here on Crimespace) that are probably incorrect.

I say probably, because everyone seems more invested in playing PR games than in the truth.

Scalzi has… Continue

Added by Sandra Ruttan on February 2, 2010 at 2:02am — 7 Comments

Bringing the Mideast to America

Often a novelist can humanize foreign affairs in ways a journalist can't.

To mark publication today of my new Palestinian crime novel The Fourth Assassin, I posted this for my regular column on GlobalPost.

Though it's convenient to do so, we ignore overseas events at our peril. We… Continue

Added by Matt Rees on February 2, 2010 at 12:17am — 1 Comment

BSP: New Diana Andrews story.

"Changing the Game" is now online as "A Twist of Noir" no. 342. Diana listens to her instincts, and it's a good thing that she does.


Added by Albert Tucher on February 1, 2010 at 10:39pm — No Comments

Who Reads Mystery?

Smart people, of course!

Well, that's part of it. Mystery readers come in all shapes and sizes, but I've been to lots of conventions where they gather, and they are a dedicated lot. Authors sometimes cringe at the thought of meeting their fans, because they'll be put to the question: why was Character C's motive so weak? How did Character A travel from New York to L.A. so fast? And did you know that your Character B has blue eyes in book one and green eyes in book two?… Continue

Added by Peg Herring on February 1, 2010 at 10:09pm — No Comments

February 1st Book Reviews

Just posted reviews of 10 books: Rebecca Cantrell's A Trace of Smoke, Joanne Dobson's Quieter Than Sleep, Charles Larson's Someone’s Death, Patrick F. McManus's The Blight Way, Bob Morris's Bahamarama, Sandra Parshall's The Heat of the Moon, Robert Rotenberg's Old City Hall, Kelli Stanley's City of Dragons, Richard Stark's The Man with the Getaway Face, and Charles Todd's A Duty to the Dead:… Continue

Added by Lucinda Surber on February 1, 2010 at 11:08am — 2 Comments

C'est moi!

I don't even remember entering, but it's been a busy couple of months. 'Scuse me, my feet are killing me!

Added by Virginia Conn on February 1, 2010 at 9:05am — No Comments

Purple Death now available in Paperback at Amazon

I'm happy to announce that my latest release from Moongypsy Press, 'Purple Death' is now also available to order in paperback from Amazon.com I hope everyone will take a look at my latest thriller release.

Tranquil suburban Richmond-on-Thames, home to such landmarks as Hampton Court Palace and Kew Gardens, becomes… Continue

Added by Brian L Porter on February 1, 2010 at 8:17am — No Comments

Yup, We're Going to Try This

At this point it indeed looks like I'll go the Kindle route with my "trunk novel" in an effort to experiment with using Facebook, Twitter, my blogs, and other avenues to raise interest. Currently the manuscript is being read by a few partners in crime who are making sure I won't doing the equivalent of running outside without my clothes on, and so far all reports indicate all is well. Of course, they haven't reached the end yet.

I have decided that if ebooks are the way of the future… Continue

Added by Brian Drake on February 1, 2010 at 6:35am — No Comments

The Eye of the Beholder (16)

“Interesting.” Rickerson tapped his lip as he compared the three designs Moriarty had sent and listened to Cary tell him of Moriarty’s logic behind the resubmitting the one Rickerson had originally rejected. He studied that one intently, noting the changes and additions. Eventually he nodded. “The man has a valid point and with the alterations I think it could work for us. Let him know I would like to see it as a working site. If it still looks as good then, and there are no glitches, I’ll… Continue

Added by Edith Glass on February 1, 2010 at 3:41am — No Comments

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