September 2007 Blog Posts (253)

How to Get a Published Author to Read Your Manuscript

Last post I covered the reasons a published author might say, "No," when you ask him or her to read your manuscript. Now I'll switch the focus to how and why a published author would agree to read your unpublished book for you.

1. You are friends. I met Emilie Richards at the Ohio River Valley Conference many years back. I had no idea she was a super-star among authors. But I did notice she was a nice person. We chatted and enjoyed each other's company. We…


Added by Joanna Campbell Slan on September 2, 2007 at 9:36am — 1 Comment

A Little Bit More... About Me!

So... I started reading fictional books properly when I was about 12 (I think), that is to say that apart from my normal 1st school (primary), of which English (reading & writing) I was pretty much very good at, and picked it up reasonably swiftly. However, I hated maths and so was very slow, but I'm much better now... thanks!!

I remember reading George G. Gilman western novels, about a man called Edge, set in the post American civil war. Then I read Martin Caidin's…


Added by Roger Newbury on September 2, 2007 at 3:51am — No Comments

Type M For Murder

I usually post my weekly blog entry onto Crimespace, but this week I've decided to send you over to the blog instead. I share blogging space with five great mystery writers, so check them out. We discussing promotion, among other things, always a popular topic. . My blog mates, Rick and Charles are in the advertising business, so they know a thing or two about promotion.

Added by Vicki Delany on September 2, 2007 at 3:39am — 2 Comments

A heartfelt weigh-in

Normally, I’m the kind of gal who takes a light-hearted approach to diet and exercise.

For example, in The Fat City Mysteries, one of my characters likes to brag about how she trades in her Weight Watcher points for Frequent Fryer Miles at In-N-Out.

But earlier this week, I received a sobering reality check. As we used to say in the evangelical south, I had a real “Come to Jesus”…

Added by Kathryn Lilley on September 1, 2007 at 10:57pm — 1 Comment

What I am reading, what I have read, what I want to read


Should you decide to become a member of goodreads, contact me there, will… Continue

Added by Delphine Cingal on September 1, 2007 at 7:02pm — No Comments

What would you do? – “Don’t go down into that dark cellar alone!”

Another in the "What would you do?" questions.…


Added by Ric Wasley on September 1, 2007 at 5:12pm — No Comments

Last day of Cheryl Kaye Tardif's virtual book tour: read chapter 2 of Children of the Fog

Today marks the end of Cheryl Kaye Tardif's month long virtual book tour.

From Cheryl: I will confess, I am exhausted! It's been a long time since I've written these many articles and answered these many interviews. :) But I had so much fun visiting all of my hosts' wonderful sites, getting to know them and answering questions from visitors via email or comments.

Thank you! You have all made my 'Touring the World' virtual book tour a success! And I look forward…


Added by Cheryl Kaye Tardif on September 1, 2007 at 10:30am — No Comments

Man Sized

God I feel virile! Not in a rip her knickers off and ride her bareback sort

of way (at least no more than usual). I'm talking about a much more

basic, instinctive, hunter-gatherer sort of virility. The sort that

drinks beer, farts a lot, finds the word "bottom" funny, watches

endless repeats of Buffy (or is that just me?) and can, whatever the

time, city or state of inebriation, navigate unerringly to the…

Added by James Twining on September 1, 2007 at 8:00am — No Comments

Criminal acts (by publishers?)

Thoughtful blog by Carmel, Indiana bookstore owner (The Mystery Company) and small publisher Jim Huang in which he discusses the current state of mystery publishing (and bookselling), the ridiculous pressure from NY publishers to break out big from the start with a new novel, and why I have a "Booksense" link on my home page.

Buy your books from an… Continue

Added by Clea Simon on September 1, 2007 at 3:25am — No Comments

My books in Print

I have two books in print: Switched: A Detective Hardrock Mystery, Say Aloha to Murder: A Detective Hardrock Mystery. My third novel, featuring Hopewell, Virginia Detective James Hardrock, is a work-in-progress. it is based on a real murder that took place in Hopewell. Waldenbooks carries my titles, and they are also located on, B&, and my publisher:

I invite all members to email me.

Please visit my web site:…


Added by Charlotte Williamson on September 1, 2007 at 1:57am — No Comments


posted by Leann Sweeney

We don't go political on our blog so this isn't about world peace. Some of you are saying "well, thank God for that," and some of you are saying, "wimps!!!" No matter what your persuasion, this blog is about inner peace, something I was talking about with my daughter on the phone last weekend. I should have been talking to myself, but I'll get to that point soon--I hope!

My daughter is a dancer in New York and only recently took a job as the Public…


Added by Writers Plot on September 1, 2007 at 1:36am — No Comments

Contest for autographed copies of Prime Time

This week, I have a special treat for you. I recently reviewed Prime Time by

Hank Phillippi Ryan, at This… Continue

Added by Lesa Holstine on September 1, 2007 at 12:48am — No Comments


Deeply affected by the events of his last case (detailed in 2004's Little Girl Lost), John Blake has eschewed the detective business and become an administrative assistant at Columbia. Songs of Innocence

opens with the news that one of Blake's classmates in a writing

workshop, Dorrie Burke, has committed suicide. Dorrie's mother doesn't

believe the reports and tries to hire Blake to find out who… Continue

Added by Gerald So on September 1, 2007 at 12:24am — No Comments

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