Michael P. Naughton's Blog – July 2008 Archive (3)

Deathryde: Rebel Without A Corpse Digs Up A Good Review in The Washington Times

If you have a taste for slambang satire that plays games with the names of dead celebrities from James Dean to Barbara Stanwyck and a hearse driver with the marvelous name of Coffin Joe, Michael P. Naughton's Deathryde: Rebel without a Corpse (Gilded Hearse Press, $12.95, 183 pages), is your kind of book. It's the story of a gang of criminal undertakers engaged in a caper known as "Harold and Maude" involving a group of Hollywood funeral homes and an ancient but unforgotten mafia… Continue

Added by Michael P. Naughton on July 11, 2008 at 1:14pm — No Comments

What I Write to While I'm Writing and How Today's Detectives of the Silver Screen Have Lost Their Jazz

In Stephen King’s book, On Writing – A Memoir of the Craft, he talks about filtering out distractions and creating your own universe while writing. King said he likes to work to loud music -- hard-rock stuff like AC/DC, Guns ‘n Roses and Metallica and how music is another way of “shutting the door.” Quentin Tarantino also spoke about creating the atmosphere – how he’ll write for a while and then find the appropriate song to keep him in the mood. For me, music has always been part… Continue

Added by Michael P. Naughton on July 7, 2008 at 6:42am — No Comments

Before There Was Six Feet Under, There Was Deathryde: Rebel Without A Corpse

Question: You said you wrote this story originally as a script before HBO’s Six Feet Under and pitched the idea around Hollywood. Explain what happened and why you shelved the story?

Michael P. Naughton: Call it Jungian synchronicity, collective unconsciousness or just plain old coincidence— or maybe not. I was working on the general story and wrote up a treatment for Deathryde and also read Jessica Mitford’s classic The American Way of Death Revisited. I was working with Jorge… Continue

Added by Michael P. Naughton on July 2, 2008 at 10:30pm — No Comments

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