Clair Lamb's Blog (2)

Is it true? Is it kind? Is it necessary?

Is there any good way to tell an author you didn't like his or her book?

Twice in recent months, I've read books I didn't like by authors I do like in person. In both cases, I'd enjoyed and admired the authors' earlier books, but their latest struck me as flat, obvious, cliche-laden and just plain not very well-written.

Even all-star baseball players strike out regularly, and I know any number of reasons a book might not be an author's best work: unreasonable deadlines, sloppy… Continue

Added by Clair Lamb on April 1, 2007 at 10:27pm — 3 Comments

What's your favorite mystery, and where did you get it?

This is a cross-posting from my main blog, but it seemed appropriate to put it up here.

Mystery Bookstore co-owner Valerie Vanaman asked me: "What's the best mystery book you ever read, and did you buy it at The Mystery Bookstore?"

I could never pick just one book as "the best," so here's an opportunity for a list. Even

this list might change from one day to another. If these…


Added by Clair Lamb on March 22, 2007 at 10:27pm — 7 Comments

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