At LIM 2008, I met half of the fabulous writing duo Evelyn David. Rhonda Dosset was on the Cupid's Call romance panel, which was a really fun group. I've never spoken about romance where horses came up before...

Rhonda invited me to guest blog on This was so much fun! Being a librarian, I strated thinking about books I want to write about. My husband said "You've got enough books around here." Bingo. I took pictures of my nightstand, which has about 50 books on it, and I'm not exaggerating. Then I took a picture of my son's bed book pile. Then I wrote about my 300+ cookbooks. Easy.

What's the point of this other than it's fun? Well, I've made a great friend and contact in Rhonda. She put an awesome graphic of The Heat of the Moment on the blog, in which I have a short story. We also mentioned Love is Murder on that blog, describing how we met. So we've cross promoted a few things. I notice readers on my, have increased.

Think about all the great people you met at LIM. Did you follow up on those contacts? Did you write other people in your panels and mention that you enjoyed meeting them? Make the most of the conference - year round.

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Comment by Patrick Balester on March 13, 2008 at 1:12pm
I have been corresponding with three or four people I met at the LIM conference, and met many more wonderful writers, all of whom were generous with their time in answering my questions and dispensing advice. I'll be back next year!
Comment by Elizabeth Zelvin on March 9, 2008 at 5:19am
Three nights ago I sat next to the OTHER half of Evelyn David, Marian Borden, at the MWA New York monthly dinner meeting. These clever ladies have not only written a lively mystery together (Murder Off the Books) but have figured out how to be in two places at once. To answer the question about conferences in general (and e-lists and workshops and meetings of MWA and SinC), you bet I stay connected. Thanks to friends I've made, my virtual tour will include an interview by Evelyn on The Stiletto Gang on April 4--and a guest blog on "Cumulative Cyberschmoozing" on Blog Book Tours ( on April 1. Liz

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