Sandra tagged me last week with the page 123 meme and in typical fashion I drag assed it. But better late then never.

I'm currently reading a novella, The Brotherhood of Mutilation, that only has 99 pages. Soooo I'll take the liberty of dropping the "1" and do everything from page 23.

"Kline could see he was missing an eye, one closed lid seemed flat and deflated. He was wearing a uniform. Ramse rolled down the window, and the man peered into the car."

Why is he missing an eye?
What kind of uniform?
What does a man with one eye peering into a car look like?

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Comment by Sandra Ruttan on April 29, 2008 at 3:00am
"What does a man with one eye peering into a car look like?"

A man with one eye peering into a car. Duh.

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